Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm a First-Generation College Student!

I can relate with chapter 5 in the TLU Reader because I'm a first-generation college student and I am also a woman like the author of this chapter. I agreed with many things she wrote in the chapter because I could relate to most of the things she wrote I especially could relate to her when she said, " The biggest issue for me was I had no idea what to expect about anything. I am sure to a certain extent all first year students feel that way.", and she was right all first year students feel that way because I felt like that and I had no idea what to expect which really bothered me. Not knowing what to expect really bothered me because I hated not knowing what to expect in college it scared me quite a bit. And my parents and my older brother could not help me through this situation since they never attended university so they could not give me any advice or any information on college. So it definitely made this even tougher for me and it worried me a lot more. But luckily I had a little help from my aunt, she was the only other person from my entire family including my dad's and mom's family that could help me with what I was going through, she attended and graduated from Concordia University. So throughout this process she tried to help me and explained to me all things college which helped my anxiety about not knowing what to expect at college. She also helped me a lot when it came to playing a sport while at college because she played basketball while at Concordia University so I was on the same boat. I made sure to take in all of her advice when it came to studying and not to party to much so I would be eligible to play soccer. My aunt helped me a lot but she could only help me with so much since college life changes and also since many colleges are different. So she could not help me with everything which sucked because it definitely made my anxiety come back when she had no idea about some of the questions I would ask about college stuff because she was the only person I could go to for help. But she always tried to calm me down and always reassured me that I could ask for help if I had any problems while at college but all I had to do was ask. So I made sure to keep that tip in mind if I had any problems because even though she helped me with some things I still felt like I was going into the unknown. But that's just part of the college experience you're never going to know exactly what to expect when going to college believe me it's impossible in my opinion even if you are not a first generation college student. And I learned that throughout this experience and I really would like to thank my aunt so much for helping me I honestly appreciated it because it made things way easier for me it would've sucked if I didn't have you there to help me. So thanks tia claudia! I appreciate you and I love you! 

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